Happiness is ENJOYMENT OF LIFE. Even though everyone has different ways of enjoying life, it is VITALLY important to distinguish the two kinds of enjoyments of life. 1. ETHICAL, 2. POLITICAL

  1. ETHICAL enjoyment is the enjoyment of LIFE in PEACE by respecting the NATURAL RIGHTS of each other. WORKING without pressure or FEAR and helping each other is the way to enjoy life NATURALLY. Reasonable people enjoy life within the bounds of ETHICS. It is the REAL HAPPINESS everyone enjoys LIFE mutually. HUMAN DIGNITY is the ultimate VALUE.
  2. POLITICAL enjoyment on the other hand is the enjoyment of life by playing the GAME of POLITICS. Happiness is achieved by beating others according to the rules of the GAME. The rules of the GAME are set by the WINNERS, therefore, winners always win. Obviously, where people enjoy life politically, there is NO PEACE, because, everyone struggles to beat each other and get ahead. Where people enjoy life politically, no one cares about other people’s RIGHTS even though they pretend to. MONEY is the ultimate VALUE and professional DECEPTION is the ultimate SKILL mostly referred to as “leadership”. Professional DECEPTION is DECEIVING the majority of people so that the minority keeps silent because bigger GANGS are more influential and have more POWER than smaller GANGS. Since political enjoyment mostly enjoyment from the LOSS of others, it is NOT really an enjoyment of LIFE but the enjoyment of GAMES usually escalates to FIGHTS and even WARS. CORRUPTION and INSANITY are inevitable.


Human dignity is the ultimate STATUS a person can reach and the highest VALUE a person can have by protecting his/her NATURAL RIGHTS and others. Naturally, human beings protect themselves and others, as well as animals. Nevertheless, in a corrupt society controlled by political gang rules, people are DUPED to believe that they are protected by the political gangsters who take the LAW into their hands and EXTORT money for WORK and shopping. Therefore, they do not CARE about their own RIGHTS or others. In a corrupt society, no one talks or cares about HUMAN DIGNITY, almost everyone is motivated by MONEY. Money is the ultimate VALUE. Therefore, the winners of MONEY can easily exploit and VIOLATE the NATURAL RIGHTS of people.

HUMAN DIGNITY is SELF-RESPECT, self-esteem, integrity, being reasonable, responsible, caring, and everything that is necessary for NATURAL HAPPINESS.

HUMAN DIGNITY is the spirit of LIFE and the desire of LIVING. Therefore, damaging human dignity is tantamount to destroying the DESIRE of LIVING and killing a human being.

GREED is the counterpart of HUMAN DIGNITY. GREED kills HUMAN DIGNITY at first sight. GREED is the motivation of the people who enjoy beating others and WINNING what they lose.

MENTAL DISORDER CRISIS: Greedy CROOKS not only SUCK the lifeblood of innocent people but also paralyze their brains by DUPING. Victims become unable to protect themselves against their offenders and live in FEAR and PAIN. Therefore, MENTAL DISORDER CRISIS is inevitable and it is IMPOSSIBLE to stop, as long as the LAW is in the hands of political CROOKS.